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Use Thirdweb and Magic link to connect users using email id. · Problem One of the major problems right now in web3 is onboarding new users, if you've...
Build an easy Gradient Generator using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript with just a few lines of code! · Building a random gradient generator is not as tough as...
Building a real-time clock that doesn't re-render the page with React Hooks! P.S. with codepen link. · I looked through a lot of resources for building a...
Learn Three.js a JavaScript library while creating a 3D text project! · Let's create a 3D text that can be controlled using orbit on the web! You can try...
What are Higher order Functions A function that accepts and/or returns another function is called a higher-order function. It’s higher-order because...
Schedule your Tweets on Notion and tweet them using automateIO and Buffer! · Scheduling your tweets and posting them through Notion sounds cool...